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Pets And COVID-19 FAQs-Everything You Need To Know

  May 25, 2020

Pets And COVID-19 FAQs-Everything You Need To Know

Many people have been linking the novel coronavirus with their pets, especially after news broke out that a couple of cats and a dog in New York have been tested positive for the virus. But hey, let us not jump into conclusions. Before you do anything, we suggest you have a good read of what we’re about to disclose to you.

Pets And COVID-19 FAQs

The below FAQs have all been answered in a way that each and every individual can comprehend. Here, have a look.

#1. What is this coronavirus?

A coronavirus is a group of viruses that cause many issues including a sore throat, a runny nose, cough, and a fever. Some of these symptoms are mild like the common cold while others can lead to diseases like pneumonia. This virus particularly spreads through direct contact with an infected human being. The coronavirus, which gets its name from the latin word “corona” that translates to the word “crown”, is composed of at least three groups that cause issues ranging from mild to severe, respiratory, or systemic disease. There are other coronaviruses in the world which are known as SARS and MERS.

#2. Is there any coronavirus that affects animals?

Unfortunately, coronavirus can also affect a large species of animals. Some of the domestic and wild animals that are prone to this virus are dogs, cats, horses, cattle, ferrets, camels, bats, and many more.

#3. Can pets come in contact with COVID-19?

As we have stated earlier, a few pets had been reported to have been infected with the virus (SARS-Cov-2), which causes COVID-19 after coming in close contact with people who have the virus. It’s essential to note and remember that this virus can sometimes infect a few species but not cause illness in those particular species, nor it can become transmissible to other species.

Hence, it is essential to be vigilant and cautious and people that don’t reside in your household shouldn’t come in contact with your pets (this of course excludes the vet). And since each and every individual has been advised to remain at least 6 feet away from other people when outside, this also includes keeping your pets at a safe distance too because this social distancing thingy applies to each and every member, not just humans.

#4. Should pets wear a mask while out in public?

Let’s be honest here. Masks made for pets aren’t really effective in preventing diseases that are transmitted by bodily fluid droplets. Thus, to protect your buddy from respiratory issues, it is important to vaccinate him for Bordetella, parainfluenza, and not to forget canine influenza. These vaccines are common in preventing respiratory diseases in pets.

#5. What is the best way to prevent your family (including your pets) from COVID-19?

By simply following the basic guideline issued by the World Health Organization, you can keep your family and your pets safe from this treacherous disease called COVID-19. The basic guidelines are as follows:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching your nose, face, and mouth.
  • Avoid any contact with any sick people, and stay at home if you are sick.
  • When coughing, cover your mouth and nose with your sleeve or a tissue paper.
  • Do not forget to toss the used tissue paper into the dustbin.
  • Keep your pets at a safe distance from humans that are sick or have the virus.

For more guidelines about COVID-19, 

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

At this particular time, all we can do is stay at home as much as possible because if you do so, you and your family and pets are safe too.

Stay indoors, stay safe. Take care!

Pets And COVID-19 FAQs-Everything You Need To Know

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