Droncit Spot on is an excellent topical treatment for intestinal worms in cats. This treatment works against mature and immature forms of Dipylidium caninum and Taenia species. The unique formula immediately starts working against tapeworms thus eliminates them only within a few hours of administration. Droncit Spot on is safe to use on young, adult, pregnant or lactating queens.
How it Works?
Droncit Spot is developed using Praziquantel. This ingredient starts working against various stages of the tapeworms. It gets absorbed into the skin and spreads across the body and starts eliminating tapeworms. This treatment is very safe for cats and protects them from all species of tapeworms.
These work on my cats as I tried other brands and they didn’t work as my cat still had worms even after me giving another dose within a week. But just one dose of this topical solution. it worked wonders
Droncit is one of the best topical treatments for our cats.
Very effective and easy-to-use spot on treatment for my cats. It worked perfectly, I would recommend it to all.