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Best Flea and Tick Preventives For Dogs

  May 10, 2023

Best Flea and Tick Preventives For Dogs

The sight of looking at your dog constantly scratching and licking on its irritated skin is a nightmare for dog parents. A flea outbreak is the last thing anyone can wish for their pet. Flea and tick infestations not only trouble your pet with itching but can also give rise to many contagious diseases. Some tick-borne diseases can also transmit to humans. In this blog, you will find about the different types of flea and tick preventives so that you can choose the best-suited treatment for your canine.

Topical Flea and Tick Treatment

Topical flea and tick preventives also known as spot-on treatment are liquid solutions that is applied between the shoulder blades of dogs, directly on the dog’s skin. When applied the active compounds, it easily translocate into the dog skin, killing fleas and ticks quickly. Along with killing existing flea and tick, topical solution also repels them. Topical solutions are very convenient to use especially for dogs that are fussy eaters.

  • Some topical treatments also kill and repel mosquitoes, prevent heartworm disease, and more.
  • Many of the topical treatments are waterproof solutions so you don’t have to worry about taking your pet to the pool or in rain. However, after administration your pet needs to be restricted with to avoid exposure for a short duration based on the product.
  • Many of the oral flea tick treatments also kills flea and tick eggs and larvae along with killing adult fleas and ticks eliminating further population of these parasites.
  • Spot-on treatments like Frontline, Advantage, and K9 Advantix are some good choices for a topical solution that eliminates fleas and different species of ticks and prevents flea and tick infestation. All these treatment provides 30 days protection from flea and tick infestation.
  • Frontline Plus, Selehold and Advantage Multi are multi-spectrum topical solution that treats internal worms along with killing fleas and ticks.

Oral Flea and Tick Preventive 

Oral flea and tick preventives are available in the form of chewable and tablets, which can be given directly to your dog or mixed in with their food for easy administration. These treatments are designed to disperse into your dog's bloodstream after being ingested, which then makes their blood poisonous to fleas and ticks. Many of these chewable tablets come in animal flavors such as chicken, liver, or beef, making administration easy. 

  • The chewable or tablets kills and prevents flea and ticks in the dog’s body along with preventing infestations.
  • Oral treatment like Bravecto, Nexgard, Credeli, Nexgard are good flea and tick treatment that eliminates fleas and ticks and prevents infestations.
  • Capstar is an excellent choice for quick relief from flea outbursts. It starts killing fleas within 30 minutes of administration and kills 100% of fleas’ within 7 hours of administration.  You can also use broad-spectrum flea and tick chewables for your dogs that treats intestinal worm infection along with preventing heartworm disease such as Simparica Trio. 

Flea and Tick Collars

A flea and tick collar is an excellent way to keep your dogs protected from flea and tick infestation for an extended time that goes from 2 to 8 eight months of protection. Flea and tick collar eliminates and prevents exterior parasites including fleas, ticks, mites, and lice.

  • It can also be used along with other treatments like wormer or heartworm preventives. 
  • These collars come in different sizes with adjustable straps that fit the size of all dogs.
  • Seresto collar is a widely used flea and tick collar for dogs. It eliminates fleas and ticks and avoids its infestation for eight months even when the dog is wet. This collar is also effective against killing flea larvae and lice.
  • Some other effective flea and tick collar includes Bayopet, Kiltix, and Scallibor which prevents flea and tick infestation in dogs for 2-3 months, 5 months, and 3 months respectively.

Flea and Tick Spray and Powder

Flea and tick spray is a type of treatment that is applied directly to your dog's skin. Unlike topical solutions, this spray can be used more frequently and is a quick and easy way to help protect your pet from fleas and ticks. Similarly, flea and tick powder treatment is applied on dog’s skin. Some powders are also used on household item like carpets and bedding to stop the environmental spread of parasites.

  • To apply flea and tick spray, simply spray it directly onto your dog's skin and then massage thoroughly. This will help distribute the treatment evenly and ensure that it is effective in repelling fleas and ticks.
  • Flea and tick spray can be applied to a dog of any age and breed.
  • It works against external parasites including fleas, ticks, flea eggs, and mosquitoes.
  • Flea and tick spray and powder work for dogs with all life stages.
  • While using flea and tick spray make sure protect your dog’s eyes and ears.
  • Certain powders and sprays can also be used on household items like carpets and bedding to stop the environmental spread of these parasites.
  • Some examples of flea and tick sprays include Frontline Spray and Ultrum ultimate long-lasting Spray.

Flea and Tick Shampoos 

Regularly using flea and tick shampoos can be an effective way to eliminate existing fleas and ticks on your dog. While these shampoos do not eliminate eggs, they can still be a useful addition to monthly preventative treatments. Flea and tick shampoos can also help improve your dog's skin and coat condition.

  • The more often you use the shampoo on your dog the less the chance of flea outbursts.
  • To use flea and tick shampoos, wet your dog's coat thoroughly and then lather the shampoo. Wash your dog from head to tail making sure lather doesn't reach its eyes or ears. Rinse the shampoo and towel dry your dog.
  • Adams flea and tick cleaning shampoo is powerful flea and tick preventive shampoo for dogs. Dorwest Clean and Fresh anti-fleas shampoo is an all-natural shampoo for dogs that gently removes parasites on dog’s body without causing any harm to the dog’s skin.
  • Malaseb shampoo is an excellent aid to treat itchy skin and skin-related infections caused due to parasites or insects.

Bottom Line

When it comes to choosing the best flea and tick preventive for your dog, it's important to consider your pet's individual needs and preferences. Use this blog as a guide for choosing a suitable flea and tick treatment for your dog. It's also important to regularly clean and vacuum your pet's living areas and to consult with your veterinarian for additional recommendations and advice.

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